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 While johnnyy is away

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L2World Vagabond

Number of posts : 10
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Registration date : 2010-07-15

While johnnyy is away Empty
PostSubject: While johnnyy is away   While johnnyy is away Icon_minitimeTue Jul 20, 2010 4:33 am

well, i got some ideas i would like to share, hope i get some answer's (no flames/stupid comments)

*Farm Zones*

1- Having like 3 zones of farm makes game play not so boring, cuz we got more option's where to go, and not only 1 or 2.
In my opinion, it should be smthg like this:

Zone 1 Lvl up zone for new comers, Dropping Adena/Fa, Low quantity just to let New players know with what they can buy items on GM shops. It should be smthg like 30-50kk per mob, 20-60 FA per mob ( getting that FA they can buy forgotten scrolls when they hit 85)

Zone 2 Dropping FA/LS 300-600 FA per mob with % drop ofc (Smthg like 75%), and 1 LS Mid:82 (10% chance) and 1 LS High:82 (5% chance).

Zone 3 Dropping Medals/Adena Here Mobs should be stronger, since adena is pretty valueable at server, and being a zone where we get adena+medals (medals=adena), it should be some kinda of a hard zone, otherwise it might make adena worthless soon.

*Ill talk in a related problem with this medal=adena problem some lines down there.

*Boss Zone's*

Boss's are dropping 2 parts of 1 type of circlet, and 1 of another as far as i know.
Ill give my opinion about how i think it should be to improve PvP/fun for players.

=3 Boss zones -> DONE, its perfect (just add a GK at boss zone 1, i hate having to SOE from there ^^)
=Boss spawn time -> should be 4 hours + 2 hours random, this way, we can have 2 hours of pvp where players can pvp for spot, and kill it when it spawns. This way, boss will only show up 4-5 times/day. This way we will have more pvp, cuz at the moment i never had a pvp at boss zone, cuz no1 knows their spawn time.
=Drops -> Make it drop 2 parts of 1 type of circlet only. This way it takes longer to make the mask, but it doesnt take off his value.
=Boss Spot's -> This one I dont care really much but it might be good too. Ill let it at your choise Johnnyy. Change boss spots, to closed zones, this way it avoids players to run with the boss to the other side of the map.
Boss 1 at FoG its pretty well located, we can hide the boss, but we cant go away from fog, so +1 for that zone. But zone 2 and 3 are too wide. I dont mind it but, if u think it would be a good change, than go ahead Wink.


At the moment we got smthg like this:

Adena - Armors/Jewels/Weapons/Enchant's/Consumables/Dyes
Medals - Equal to Adena + Blessed Enchants
FA - PvP armors and Weapons/ Mask Recipes / Forgotten Scrolls/ Rabbit Ears

My Opinion:
Adena - Armors/ Jewels / Weapons/ Consumables /Dyes
Medals - Equal to adena + Blessed Enchants
FA - PVP armors and Weapons/ Enchants / mask recipes / Forgotten Scrolls / Rabbit Ears

At the moment Adena is really worthy, but we cant negociate a weapon ++++ or a jewel/armor ++++ cuz the onyl answer we will get is: "i can farm many medals too, and make it by my own". So to avoid that, we can make enchants buyable by FA only, this way we can make FA much more worthy and weapons/armors negotiable, it also makes ppl not to be only on Medals/Adena Farm zone, but also on FA/LS farm zone. (in case johnnyy creats it).

*Normal Bosses*

Varka, Ketra, Toi 8/9/11/13, Giran 3 (krokian), Giran 4 (ashakiel), Blazing Swamp bosses (the High lvl ones), should drop smthg worthy.

High LS 82 - 50% chance
BEWS - 10% chance
BEAS/BEAA/BEAB - 10% chance
2 - 4 G.Medals - 100% chance
1k - 2k FA - 65% chance

Spawn times should be like the official server one's no nedd to change, this way we will have more places to go except farm/boss zones, and we can also have pvps fighting for bosses too.

Last thing and maybe the most important to atract ppl to this server:

Mutants or in other words, be able to sub diferent races, like on old L2World servers.
In my opinion this was one of the features that used to atract more ppl, being able to try some crazy class combinations gets new comers attention, and as soon as they log jsu to see how it looks like to have a crazy mutant, they start to see the rest of server features and they end up playing here, and calling friends to come also.

There are no Overpowered classes, just strong classes. Even atm we can make chars like SK/SE or TY/OL or SPS/TK that are a pain in the ass to kill, so, there's no diference between mutants or non-mutants, every1 is able to make all chars.
But to be honest, having mutants makes players think the better way to find a strategy that we think will own the others Smile

Hope some good answers and correction's, im not god and I make mistakes also Very Happy

Greetings Cinha
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L2World Vagabond

Number of posts : 9
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Location : Portugal
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Registration date : 2010-07-20

While johnnyy is away Empty
PostSubject: Re: While johnnyy is away   While johnnyy is away Icon_minitimeTue Jul 20, 2010 5:14 am

wow , i'm not JoHnNyY , but if i was, i would just say : wow While johnnyy is away Icon_eek
man , this ideas are all great, really ! making FA more important and the mutants part's os what the server most need. I'm an old player from the times when we could have mutants , and i tell u , everyone loved the server in the way it was , FA was very very important and you could make chars that just look crazy and stupid but when u really play them , u just love it and own with it .
ok now my opinion.
About what you sayd , i got nothing to say , but i would like to say other things that for me , are important. Now , the server is growing , and growing fast. That's because of JoHnNyY's great work. In my opinion, if u (JoHnNyY) make the changes that Cinha sayd the next ''thing'' that this server needs to be one of the best, is players, and what is missing to have more players, are the event's. One of the most used event is the TVT one . I guess everyone knows witch event i'm talking about. And the prize of this event could be like 5 crystals of 1 element. Why only 1 element? Because this one event , following my opinion, should got 2H delay time from one to another. now talking about the current event that we got, is good thinking ,but not now , because it last too much , and because we are not much players in server , no one want's to go to that event . It is a good event , but it is only worth when the server has grown.

I love you all While johnnyy is away Icon_redface
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L2World Vassal
L2World Vassal

Number of posts : 48
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While johnnyy is away Empty
PostSubject: W0w   While johnnyy is away Icon_minitimeTue Jul 20, 2010 5:52 am

Wow, yes---> WOOOOOOWWW! I totally super agree with you, i kinda hate u ingame (xaxaxaxa just kidding) but this ideas are great, if Jony makes the 50% of this ideas server will be way way better! 500% Agree about mutants like in old L2 World. Good idea man really good idea..Hoping Jony do something of that.. While johnnyy is away Icon_razz

Ps: Gio/LittleMess ingame.. Very Happy
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L2World Vagabond

Number of posts : 11
Level : 8
Registration date : 2010-07-18

While johnnyy is away Empty
PostSubject: Re: While johnnyy is away   While johnnyy is away Icon_minitimeTue Jul 20, 2010 10:55 am

Cinha wrote:
well, i got some ideas i would like to share, hope i get some answer's (no flames/stupid comments)

*Farm Zones*

1- Having like 3 zones of farm makes game play not so boring, cuz we got more option's where to go, and not only 1 or 2.
In my opinion, it should be smthg like this:

Zone 1 Lvl up zone for new comers, Dropping Adena/Fa, Low quantity just to let New players know with what they can buy items on GM shops. It should be smthg like 30-50kk per mob, 20-60 FA per mob ( getting that FA they can buy forgotten scrolls when they hit 85)

Zone 2 Dropping FA/LS 300-600 FA per mob with % drop ofc (Smthg like 75%), and 1 LS Mid:82 (10% chance) and 1 LS High:82 (5% chance).

Zone 3 Dropping Medals/Adena Here Mobs should be stronger, since adena is pretty valueable at server, and being a zone where we get adena+medals (medals=adena), it should be some kinda of a hard zone, otherwise it might make adena worthless soon.

*Ill talk in a related problem with this medal=adena problem some lines down there.

*Boss Zone's*

Boss's are dropping 2 parts of 1 type of circlet, and 1 of another as far as i know.
Ill give my opinion about how i think it should be to improve PvP/fun for players.

=3 Boss zones -> DONE, its perfect (just add a GK at boss zone 1, i hate having to SOE from there ^^)
=Boss spawn time -> should be 4 hours + 2 hours random, this way, we can have 2 hours of pvp where players can pvp for spot, and kill it when it spawns. This way, boss will only show up 4-5 times/day. This way we will have more pvp, cuz at the moment i never had a pvp at boss zone, cuz no1 knows their spawn time.
=Drops -> Make it drop 2 parts of 1 type of circlet only. This way it takes longer to make the mask, but it doesnt take off his value.
=Boss Spot's -> This one I dont care really much but it might be good too. Ill let it at your choise Johnnyy. Change boss spots, to closed zones, this way it avoids players to run with the boss to the other side of the map.
Boss 1 at FoG its pretty well located, we can hide the boss, but we cant go away from fog, so +1 for that zone. But zone 2 and 3 are too wide. I dont mind it but, if u think it would be a good change, than go ahead Wink.


At the moment we got smthg like this:

Adena - Armors/Jewels/Weapons/Enchant's/Consumables/Dyes
Medals - Equal to Adena + Blessed Enchants
FA - PvP armors and Weapons/ Mask Recipes / Forgotten Scrolls/ Rabbit Ears

My Opinion:
Adena - Armors/ Jewels / Weapons/ Consumables /Dyes
Medals - Equal to adena + Blessed Enchants
FA - PVP armors and Weapons/ Enchants / mask recipes / Forgotten Scrolls / Rabbit Ears

At the moment Adena is really worthy, but we cant negociate a weapon ++++ or a jewel/armor ++++ cuz the onyl answer we will get is: "i can farm many medals too, and make it by my own". So to avoid that, we can make enchants buyable by FA only, this way we can make FA much more worthy and weapons/armors negotiable, it also makes ppl not to be only on Medals/Adena Farm zone, but also on FA/LS farm zone. (in case johnnyy creats it).

*Normal Bosses*

Varka, Ketra, Toi 8/9/11/13, Giran 3 (krokian), Giran 4 (ashakiel), Blazing Swamp bosses (the High lvl ones), should drop smthg worthy.

High LS 82 - 50% chance
BEWS - 10% chance
BEAS/BEAA/BEAB - 10% chance
2 - 4 G.Medals - 100% chance
1k - 2k FA - 65% chance

Spawn times should be like the official server one's no nedd to change, this way we will have more places to go except farm/boss zones, and we can also have pvps fighting for bosses too.

Last thing and maybe the most important to atract ppl to this server:

Mutants or in other words, be able to sub diferent races, like on old L2World servers.
In my opinion this was one of the features that used to atract more ppl, being able to try some crazy class combinations gets new comers attention, and as soon as they log jsu to see how it looks like to have a crazy mutant, they start to see the rest of server features and they end up playing here, and calling friends to come also.

There are no Overpowered classes, just strong classes. Even atm we can make chars like SK/SE or TY/OL or SPS/TK that are a pain in the ass to kill, so, there's no diference between mutants or non-mutants, every1 is able to make all chars.
But to be honest, having mutants makes players think the better way to find a strategy that we think will own the others Smile

Hope some good answers and correction's, im not god and I make mistakes also Very Happy

Greetings Cinha
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L2World Vassal
L2World Vassal

Number of posts : 26
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Registration date : 2010-07-12

While johnnyy is away Empty
PostSubject: Re: While johnnyy is away   While johnnyy is away Icon_minitimeTue Jul 20, 2010 12:20 pm

I like it ;-)
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Number of posts : 188
Age : 33
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Registration date : 2008-03-28

While johnnyy is away Empty
PostSubject: Re: While johnnyy is away   While johnnyy is away Icon_minitimeThu Aug 05, 2010 4:12 am

some good ideeas here
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PostSubject: Re: While johnnyy is away   While johnnyy is away Icon_minitime

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